Independent Producer, Artist & Facilitator
Chemaine Cooke is a producer, facilitator and improviser who moves. With a background in dance and a passion for the intersection of artforms - from performance to the visual arts - she has extensive experience of community facilitation.
Chemaine can offer workshops, production management, project management, and the creation of artistic works. Collaboration and co-learning are key motivations behind all her projects. She is passionate about how creativity and community participation can enliven and revitalise place, and about how place sits at the heart of community. Since returning to her home city of Bradford - after studying and acting and dance in Salford and Newcastle - she has produced gigs, outdoor events, workshops and discussions in unusual (and usual) spaces. Pubs, clubs, markets, warehouses and theatres are transformed with site-specific creative interventions produced or managed by Chemaine.
Underground and over ground parties have reanimated disused mills; empty shops and under loved public realm spaces have hosted poetry, performances or installations. At heart Chemaine is an improviser - a dancer who has always moved with disabled & non-disabled bodies; with other trained and untrained practitioners.
Chemaine Cooke's artistic output is varied. She makes live art and durational performances, often layered within installations. She walks and hosts walks. She makes structures out of found objects and says poetry (especially when dancing). Each project is underpinned by improvisation - and is developed through site or context-specific research, via listening and play. These are the core approaches that thread through her work, whether as an artist or when working as a facilitator for other creatives and the wider community.
To Wander is to Adventure is a walking project run with adults with learning disabilities. It develops confidence and life skills for participating adults, recognising them as active community members and enabling them as creative instigators.
Role: Lead Facilitator and Project Manager
Poetry in the Market was a series of poetry readings in Bradford's Oastler Market, showcasing established and emerging talent. Three events were held at Fountains Cafe during 2018-19; the clatter of cutlery accompanying live readings - with tea and vanilla slices, chips and gravy or milky coffee all being served.
Role: Concept Development and Project Manager
The Party People Project is a DJ night in the heart of Bradford where adults with learning disabilities learn how to deliver night time events. The project creates pathways to leadership for LD adults and builds inclusive spaces. LD artists host parties welcoming all communities - including LGBTQQ and BAME communities - with the aim of uniting groups often siloed from each other in Bradford.
Role: Concept Development, Lead Facilitator, Fundraiser and Project Manager
Chemaine was employed to manage a district-wide evaluation of Bradford Council's 'Changing Places' programme (2017-2020). She supported 28 project partners (including community organisations and grassroots initiatives) to complete impact reports, as well as overseeing the production of the summary report 'Stronger Bradford.'
Role: Project Manager
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Chemaine has much experience working and motivating people to create spaces and situations to facilitate cultural exchanges.
Chemaine is skilled at delivering projects dealing with the practical and logistical problems that need to be solved.
Chemaine's track record as an artist, and as a developer of artistic concepts stretches over two decades.
Chemaine is really excited to get involved ub developing projects for social change as a part of the #bradford2025 celebrations. "I want to be a part of that legacy which will help transform what people think of our amazing, exciting City."
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Poetry In The Market
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Poetry In The Market
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Poetry In The Market
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Poetry In The Market
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Poetry In The Market
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Chemaine at
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Poetry In The Market
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We Are Here
Poetry In The Market
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We Are Here
Poetry In The Market
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